If you need a copy of a paper for personal or research use and cannot get one through your library, please feel free to ask ([email protected]).
Turner, M.I., and Turner, D., "Leaving Traces: Fairy Houses, Kindness Stones, and Constructed Heritage," American Anthropologist (In Press).
Turner, D., and A. AboHamad, "Narrative Explanation and Non-Epistemic Value," Journal of the Philosophy of History 17(2023): 53-76. | Article |
Turner, D., and Han, J., "Living Fossils and Conservation Values," Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023) | Article |
Turner, D. and A. AboHamad, "The Instrument of Science: Scientific Antirealism Revitalized, by Darrell Rowbottom: Revitalizing Antirealism Even More," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 98 (2023): 7-8. | Article |
Currie, A., and D. Turner, "Creativity Without Agency: Evolutionary Flair and Aesthetic Engagement," Ergo (in press). | Preprint |
Turner, D., "Causal History, Environmental Art, and Biotechnologically Assisted Restoration," Ethics, Policy, and Environment 25 (2022): 125-128. | Article |
Turner, D., and A. AboHamad, "Narrative Explanation and Non-Epistemic Value," Journal of the Philosophy of History 17(2023): 53-76. | Article |
Turner, D., and Han, J., "Living Fossils and Conservation Values," Frontiers in Earth Science 11 (2023) | Article |
Turner, D. and A. AboHamad, "The Instrument of Science: Scientific Antirealism Revitalized, by Darrell Rowbottom: Revitalizing Antirealism Even More," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 98 (2023): 7-8. | Article |
Currie, A., and D. Turner, "Creativity Without Agency: Evolutionary Flair and Aesthetic Engagement," Ergo (in press). | Preprint |
Turner, D., "Causal History, Environmental Art, and Biotechnologically Assisted Restoration," Ethics, Policy, and Environment 25 (2022): 125-128. | Article |

Turner, D., “Rewilding,” in Ben Hale, Andrew Light, and Lydia Lawhon, eds., Routledge Companion to Environmental Ethics.
London: Routledge, 2022. | find the book | Preprint
London: Routledge, 2022. | find the book | Preprint

Turner, D., and M.I. Turner, “I’m not saying it was aliens”: An Archaeological and Philosophical Analysis of a Conspiracy Theory,” Explorations in Archaeology and Philosophy, edited by Anton Killin and Sean Hermanson, Synthese Library, 433 (Springer, 2021), pp. 7-24. | Preprint | Find the book |
Ereshefsky, M., and D. Turner, "Historicity and Explanation," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A 80(2020): 47-55. | Article |
Turner, D., "Speculation in the Historical Sciences," Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11(2019). Part of an author-meets-critics book symposium on Adrian Currie's Rock, Bone, and Ruin: An Optimist's Guide to the Historical Sciences (MIT Press, 2018)
| Article |
Turner, D., and J.C. Havstad, "Philosophy of Macroevolution," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (3 June, 2019). | Article |
Turner, D. "In Defense of Living Fossils," Biology and Philosophy (April 2019), 34:23. | Preprint | Article |
Turner, D., "Speculation in the Historical Sciences," Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 11(2019). Part of an author-meets-critics book symposium on Adrian Currie's Rock, Bone, and Ruin: An Optimist's Guide to the Historical Sciences (MIT Press, 2018)
| Article |
Turner, D., and J.C. Havstad, "Philosophy of Macroevolution," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (3 June, 2019). | Article |
Turner, D. "In Defense of Living Fossils," Biology and Philosophy (April 2019), 34:23. | Preprint | Article |

Turner, D. “Three Kinds of Realism about Historical Science,” in J. Saatsi, ed., Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism, Routledge 2018, pp. 321-332. | Find the book |

Turner, D. “Paleobiology’s uneasy relationship with Darwinian tradition: Stasis as Data,” in R. Delisle, ed., The Darwinian Tradition in Context: Research Programs in Twentieth Century Evolutionary Biology, Springer, 2017, pp. 333-352. | Find the book |
Turner, D. "De-extinction as Artificial Species Selection," Philosophy and Technology (online 18 September, 2016), doi:10.1007/s13347-016-0232-4. | Article | Preprint |
Currie, A., and D. Turner, "Introduction: Scientific Knowledge of the Deep Past," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A (2015).
| Preprint | Abstract |
Turner, D. "A second look at the colors of the dinosaurs," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A (2015)
| Preprint | Abstract |
Currie, A., and D. Turner, "Introduction: Scientific Knowledge of the Deep Past," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A (2015).
| Preprint | Abstract |
Turner, D. "A second look at the colors of the dinosaurs," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A (2015)
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Turner, D. “Historical contingency and the explanation of evolutionary trends,” in Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences, edited by Christophe Malaterre and Pierre-Alain Braillard, Springer, 2015, pp. 73-90. | Preprint | find the book |

Turner, D. “The restorationist argument for extinction reversal,” The Ethics of Animal Re-Creation and Modification: Reviving, Rewilding, Restoring, edited by Markku Oksanen and Helena Siipi, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp. 40-59. | find the book |
Turner, D. “Philosophical Issues in Recent Paleontology,” Philosophy Compass 9(2014): 494-505. | Abstract |
Feldman, S., Turner, D.“Why Not NIMBY? Some Replies to Critics,” Ethics, Policy, and Environment 17(2014): 1-11.
| Abstract |
Feldman, S., Turner, D.“Why Not NIMBY? Some Replies to Critics,” Ethics, Policy, and Environment 17(2014): 1-11.
| Abstract |

Turner, D. “Causal explanations of historical trends,” in Explanation in the Special Sciences – The Case of Biology and History, edited by Marie Kaiser, Andreas Hüttemann, Daniel Plenge and Oliver Scholz, Springer, 2014, pp. 255-269.
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Turner, D. “Historical Geology: Methodology and Metaphysics” in Baker, V.R., ed., Rethinking the Fabric of Geology: Geological Society of America Special Paper 502(2013): 11-18.
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Turner, D. “Proportionality and the Precautionary Principle: Comments on Daniel Steel, ‘The Precautionary Principle and the Dilemma Objection’,” Ethics, Policy, and Environment 16(2013): 338-40. | online preview |
Inkpen, R. and D. Turner, “The Topography of Historical Contingency,” Journal of the Philosophy of History 6(2012): 1-20.
| Abstract |
Turner, D. “Gould’s Replay Revisited,” Biology and Philosophy 26(2010): 65-79. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “Punctuated Equilibrium and Species Selection: What Does it Mean for one Theory to Suggest Another?” Theory in Biosciences 129(2010): 113-123. | Abstract |
Inkpen, R. and D. Turner, “The Topography of Historical Contingency,” Journal of the Philosophy of History 6(2012): 1-20.
| Abstract |
Turner, D. “Gould’s Replay Revisited,” Biology and Philosophy 26(2010): 65-79. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “Punctuated Equilibrium and Species Selection: What Does it Mean for one Theory to Suggest Another?” Theory in Biosciences 129(2010): 113-123. | Abstract |
Feldman, S., Turner, D. "Why Not NIMBY?” Ethics, Place, and Environment 13(2010): 1-16. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “Comments on Kyle Stanford’s, ‘Projective Evidence and the Heterogeneity of Scientific Confirmation’,” The Modern Schoolman LXXXVII (2010): 245-249. | online preview |

Turner, D. “Ecosabotage,” in the Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, edited by J. Baird Callicott and Robert Frodeman, Thomson Gale publishers, 2009, pp. 281-284.
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Turner, D. “How Much Can We Know About the Causes of Evolutionary Trends?” Biology and Philosophy 24(2009): 341-357. | Abstract |

Turner, D. “Beyond Detective Work: Empirical Testing in Paleobiology,” in M. Ruse and D. Sepkoski (eds.), The Paleobiological Revolution: Essays on the Growth of Modern Paleontology, University of Chicago Press, 2009, pp. 201-214.
| find the book | Reprinted in M. Ruse, ed., The Philosophy of Biology. Prometheus Books, 2007, pp. 193-201.
| find the book | Reprinted in M. Ruse, ed., The Philosophy of Biology. Prometheus Books, 2007, pp. 193-201.
Turner, D. “Just Another Drug? A Philosophical Assessment of Randomized, Controlled Studies of Intercessory Prayer,” Journal of Medical Ethics 32(2006): 487-490. | Read online |
Turner, D. “Monkeywrenching, Perverse Incentives, and Ecodefence,” Environmental Values 15 (2006): 213-232.
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Turner, D. “Are We at War With Nature?” Environmental Values 14(2005): 21-36. | Read online | Reprinted in M. Ruse, ed., Philosophy of Biology, second edition. Prometheus Books, 2007, pp. 329-345.| find the book |
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Turner, D. “Are We at War With Nature?” Environmental Values 14(2005): 21-36. | Read online | Reprinted in M. Ruse, ed., Philosophy of Biology, second edition. Prometheus Books, 2007, pp. 329-345.| find the book |

Turner, D. “Universal Darwinism and Process Essentialism,” in Nathalie Gontier, Jean Paul van Bendegem, and Diederik Aerts (eds.), Theory and Decision Library A, volume 39: Evolutionary Epistemology, Language, and Culture. Springer, 2006.
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Turner, D. “Local Underdetermination in Historical Science,” Philosophy of Science 72(2005): 209-230. | Abstract |
Turner, D., Hartzell, L. “The Lack of Clarity in the Precautionary Principle,” Environmental Values 13 (November 2004): 449-460. | Read online |
Turner, D. “Misleading Observable Analogues in Paleontology,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 36(2005): 175-183. | Abstract |
Sufka, K., and D. Turner “An Evolutionary Account of Chronic Pain: Integrating the Natural Method in Evolutionary Psychology,” Philosophical Psychology 18(2005): 243-257. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “The Past vs. the Tiny: Historical Science and the Abductive Arguments for Realism,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A 35 (March 2004): 1-17. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “The Functions of Fossils: Inference and Explanation in Functional Morphology,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science C: Biology and Biomedical Sciences 31(March 2000): 193-212. | Abstract |
Turner, D., Hartzell, L. “The Lack of Clarity in the Precautionary Principle,” Environmental Values 13 (November 2004): 449-460. | Read online |
Turner, D. “Misleading Observable Analogues in Paleontology,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 36(2005): 175-183. | Abstract |
Sufka, K., and D. Turner “An Evolutionary Account of Chronic Pain: Integrating the Natural Method in Evolutionary Psychology,” Philosophical Psychology 18(2005): 243-257. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “The Past vs. the Tiny: Historical Science and the Abductive Arguments for Realism,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science A 35 (March 2004): 1-17. | Abstract |
Turner, D. “The Functions of Fossils: Inference and Explanation in Functional Morphology,” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science C: Biology and Biomedical Sciences 31(March 2000): 193-212. | Abstract |
Post, J.F., and D. Turner, “Sic Transitivity: A Reply to McGrew and McGrew,” Journal of Philosophical Research XXV (January 2000): 67-82.
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| Abstract |
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